The Great Serbian Cook (16297-1503)

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Product Overview

It is with great pleasure that we publish a reprint of the Cookbook, which was printed in the 19th century. Tried and tested recipes, prepared the way our grandmothers used to make them, written in such a way that you can smell and taste while reading them, in a somewhat forgotten, old but very understandable language. Enjoy this unique cookbook by Mrs. Katarina Popović Midžina, at least as much as we did while reading it.
This book is hand-bound with high-quality beef leather in brown, decorated with gold prints. The book, Serbian Housewives, was written by Katarina Popović Midžina in 1877 for the publishing house Natošević. It has 480 pages, full of detailed recipes collected over many years. The packaging in which it comes can be stamped with the customer's logo.


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